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Posts published in “setting expectations”

How to couch armchair expert advice

Knowing how to combat misguided viewpoints with vetted knowledge and confidence is vital. Here are eight scenarios you are likely to encounter and how to…

9 ways buyers sabotage their home purchase

Over the years, we’ve seen tons of advice on what homebuyers shouldn’t do — opening up new lines of credit, changing jobs, taking out loans…

Keeping It Real: How to kill success

On this edition of “Keeping It Real,” a recurring podcast series on Inman, Peter Lorimer talks about how to get out of your head and…

9 unreasonable repair requests your buyers should skip

Educating buyers and setting expectations from the beginning is critical for successful repair negotiations. Buyers cannot understand which repairs are necessary and which might annoy…

5 simple tips for setting buyer expectations

If you’ve ever had stressed out buyers, you know that they can consume your time, resources and energy. Take the time to explain the purchase…